The Seasons Change, and Time Marches On

Once again isolated from Sora and Kairi, Riku does his best to navigate his daily life as he waits for his friends to come back to him, or until he can find a way to get them back. Meanwhile, Naminé tries to adapt to having freedoms she didn't have in the past, and experiences things every kid her age should get to experience. Put in a very similar situation to the one post Kingdom Hearts II, will Riku and Naminé once again isolate themselves, or will they realize that they're not alone this time and choose to rely on their friends?

What is "Dynamic View"?

Dynamic View is my little HTML experiment that cuts up the text into several sections, each with music and background changes. It attemps to emulate the sensation of a visual novel but, it's fairly rudimentary due to autoplay restrictions. Maybe someday I'll make an actually downloadable VN version with Python or something, who knows!

Originally published: 09/03/2024 /// Last updated: 10/09/2024

Author's Notes

Also posted on AO3