Around ten minutes later, Aerith and Yuffie come back with a cross-body bag and a backpack, respectively, both noticeably filled to the brim.

"I dunno if you'd wear the kind of stuff I wear, so I mostly packed things like socks, tights, gloves, and some simple shorts and tank tops for you to wear inside... Oh! And a lot of shoes, 'cause I think we have similar sizes, and mine are mostly adjustable anyway, so if they're a bit bigger, you can always, y'know, adjust them." Yuffie rambles as she hands over the backpack to Naminé, who picks it up with effort.

Seeing Naminé's reaction to the weight of the backpack, Riku offers his hand and holds the backpack himself by the top strap.

"Thank you so much, Yuffie. I promise I'll take good care of them, so I can retu-“ Naminé attempts to say but is interrupted.

"Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah. No way. You're keeping these. Honestly, some of them are a tiny bit too small for me; they'd be more comfortable to you anyway!" Yuffie says with her hands on her hips.

"I... Thank you, Yuffie."

Aerith steps up with her bag and says, "I packed you some coats and jackets, as well as some skirts, shirts, and dresses." handing the bag directly to Riku to hold. "I also brought down this coat and this scarf." giving Naminé a light blue coat, woolen on the inside, as well as a light pink knitted infinity scarf. "You should wear these on your way back."

"Thank you so much, Aerith," Naminé says as she puts on the scarf and coat.

"Of course! And before you say anything, these are yours to keep, too." Aerith replies.

Naminé chuckles, then turns to Riku. "I can carry the bag, it's okay." Riku hands it over, and she puts on the cross-body bag.

Ready to leave, the duo say goodbye to the Committee, but not before getting a hug from Yuffie, who makes them promise to come back soon.