Aerith brings out five cups of tea as Leon helps her serve some snacks. He claims that the reason he helps with this task is that only he knows where the snacks are, as Yuffie would eat them all if she knew their hiding place, and Aerith would either reveal their location to her or join in as well.

Sweet and savory foods are poured into bowls and then distributed evenly on the table. Snacks like checkered cookies, thumbprint cookies, and chocolate chip cookies, as well as chips and several types of finger sandwiches.

The group discusses how everyone's been, and Yuffie regales Naminé with a heavily dramatized re-telling of how Leon followed her and "nagged" all day, as Aerith sighs and has Naminé pick between different tea bags, explaining to her the different kinds of flavors.

Yuffie makes a show of nicking food from the same bowl Leon picks from, as he tries to not seem annoyed. Riku and Naminé try to stifle their laughs, while Aerith seems completely unbothered by it, already used to the ninja's antics.