"That's not true."

A thin, quiet voice somewhere from behind him interrupts Riku's ramblings. Startled, he hurriedly turns to look towards its source and-


"You haven't been a horrible friend to her. Even if you think that way, it wasn't something that was completely your fault. The Heartless, the Organization, even Ansem the Wise, they all messed with us and used us," the blonde girl continues with a far-off look on her face.

"I..." Unsure of how to respond, Riku eloquently greets her, "H-Hi, Naminé. Sorry, you're right."

"Hello, Riku." Naminé walks closer and pulls up a nearby chair to sit next to him. "This is a familiar state of affairs, isn't it?"

After a few moments of silence, Riku speaks up again, "It... really is, huh? At least we don't have DiZ breathing down our necks. How- uh, how have you been, Naminé?"

"I've been alright. They've been performing tests on me, to make sure of my compatibility with the Replica I was gifted. I was the last one to be brought back, after all," Naminé answers, her gaze still away from Riku.

"How's that been going?"

"It's okay. No problems so far."

"Um... Where have you been staying?"

"I've been given a room here. I don't really have anywhere else to go."

"Ah... Sorry."

"It's fine."

Despite going through so much together in the year Sora was sleeping, the fact that Naminé heard what he had been saying has made the encounter extremely awkward and difficult to navigate. Silence has settled between the two of them once again.

"Riku, don't you need to go back to the Committee?"

"O-Oh! You're right. I need to apologize to Yuffie for keeping her waiting."

"It was nice seeing you, sorry for barging in on you like that. Can I go to the Square with you?"

Riku turns to Naminé and notices that the only thing she's wearing aside from her usual short white dress is a seemingly second-hand lab coat. Unsure, he asks, "Will you be okay? With the cold, I mean."

"Oh, I'll be fine. I'd really like to get some air."


Before leaving, Riku turns to Kairi and says "I swear I'll come visit again soon." After a brief pause, he faces Naminé. "Ready?"

"Yes. Lead the way, Riku."